Mt Calvary Baptist Church
Church at 414 South Weeks Street, New Iberia, LA 70560
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Address | 414 South Weeks Street New Iberia LA 70560 Get directions |
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in New Iberia, LA
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''BAPTIST'', what is a ''BAPTIST'' ?,when was ''BAPTIST'' invented, by whom, why, was ''BAPTIST'' needed ?, ''NO'',?, when ''baptist'' was invented there already existed ''five'' [5] different ''denominations'', all were ''HUMAN'' inventions ?, each were ''invented'' by ''MEN'' ?, our ''LORD JESUS'' HAD absolutely ''nothing'' to do with any of them ?, just like the ''institutions'' that are being ''invented '' by ''MEN'' and ''WOMEN" today, our ''LORD'' did not intend this to be, read the gospel of ''SAIN JOHN'' chapter 17: verses 21-23, and ''you'' tell me ?, ''ONE" church was needed and absolutely ''no'' DENOMINATIONS, no ''INDEPENDENT INSTITUTIONS'', and absolutely ''no'' ''non-denominational'' confusions ?. our ''LORD JESUS'' found and established ''ONE" universal [KATHOLIKOS] ''Apostolic'' church, proof that ''HE'' intended that there be only ''ONE'' universal [KATHOLIKOS] ''APOSTOLIC'' CHURCH, ''HIS'' church ?, but determined other wise ?,Added April 22, 2020 by Beanca Thibodeaux - ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
WHO ''invented'' ''BAPTIST'' ?,[''JOHN SMYTH''],why, because he was excommunicated from the ''ANGLICAN'' institution ?, why ?, because of ''his'' own personal beliefs ?, when did ''he'' invent ''BAPTIST'',in 1609, 1608 years after our ''LORD JESUS'' had alreadsy found and established ''HIS'' one universal [KATHOLIKOS]''Apostolic'' church,did our ''LORD JESUS'' have anything to do with ''BAPTIST'',NO ?, why, because ''HIS'' church was ''all''that was needed, read the gospel of ''SAINT JOHN" chapter 17: verses 21-23, did ''John SMYTH'' know this, apparently ''not'' ?, MY brothers and sisters, research ''JOHN SMYTH'' AND ''BAPTIST'' ?.Added April 20, 2020 by Beanca Thibodeaux - ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
''when was ''MOUNT CALVARY'' invented''
when was ''mount calvary''invented, by whom, why, was it needed,i don't know why, our ''LORD JESUS''had already found and established ''HIS'' universal [KATHOLiKOS]church in the year 30-a.d. on the ''DAY OF PENTECOST'' approximately 2,000 years before ? '' your''denomination'' was not ''invented'' until 1609 by an ''ANGLICAN'' priest named ''JOHN SMYTH'' ?, research ''JOHN SMYTH'' discover who ''john SMYTH'' WAS ?,Added April 18, 2020 by Beanca Thibodeaux - ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
"ONE'' universal church and no ''HUMAN'' DENOMINATIONS, no ''INDEPENDENT INSTITUTIONS'', NO ''NON-DENOMINATIONAL''confusions ,''one'' CHURCH as our ''LORD JESUS '' Intended ? what happened ?,''MEN'' AND ''WOMEN'' Wanted their own churches such as ''yours'' ?,read the gospel of SAINT JOHN"" chapter 17: verses 21-23 ?Added April 16, 2020 by Beanca Thibodeaux - ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
In the beginning of Christianity there was only ''ONE'' universal [KATHOLIKOS]'' Apostolic'' church, the ''one church that our ''lord Jesus'' found on the ''DAY OF PENTECOST'' in the year 30-a.d.,existed ''no'' ''human'' inventions called ''DENOMINATIONS'', no ''INDEPENDENT INSTITUTIONS'', no ''NON-DENOMIATIONAL'' confusions, all believers in the beginning were members of the ''ONE'' church that our ''LORD JESUS'' found and gave to the ''Apostles'', all were as our ''LORD JESUS'' prayed it would be, read the gospel of ''SAINT JOHN", chapter 17: verses 21-23,''ONE BODY'', ''ONE FAITH'', ''ONE church'' a universal church in all that it taught and believed ,that church still exist today in spite of the 34,000 inventions of ''MEN'' and ''WOMEN'' that are impersonating ''churches''?, such as ''YOURS'' ?, WHO invented ''your'' institution that ''you'' call church ,[JOHN SMYTH] in 1609 ?,our ''LORD JESUS'' had absolutely ''nothing'' to do with ''your'' institution that ''you'' call ''CHURCH'' ?, didn't know that did ''you''?, research that ''FACT'' ?, research ''JOHN SMYTH'' ,research ''your''institution that ''you'' call '' ''CHURCH'' ?, prepare to be surprised ?,Added April 14, 2020 by BEANCA THIBODEAUX